Cristina Sulpizii is Co-Founder and Executive VP Structured & Export Finance of Hedra Holding Srl.
After the degree in Economic from La Sapienza University of Rome, in 1997 she obtained the qualification of Chartered Accountant and Auditor. Since 1998, she provides independent professional tax advice and fundraising acting as accountant and Auditor on behalf of leading and historical No-Profit Associations.
In 1998-2001 she worked as a free lance consultant with KPMG on issues of analytical accounting and management control applied to Public Sectors (Ministry of Economic Development, Italian National Insurance Fund and Port Authority of Civitavecchia).
Since 1997-1999 she was Executive Partner responsible for programs, tools and community funding at Centro Impresa, Association for small and medium entrepreneurship, and head of the column “Profiles of entrepreneurs” of the magazine “PMI Notizie e Mercati” published by the Association.
From 1998 to 2003 she was Professor in MIDIFORM for the “One year course of specialization in soft loans and technical preparation of the business plan” addressed to Banks and specialists.
From 1997 to 2001 she was Consultant at FISE SERVIZI Srl (a company set up by the Federation of Services Companies-Confindustria) in the advice on fund raising for associated enterprises.
In 2004 she was the Founder of Sinergie Tecniche e Finanziarie Srl, a consulting company in Italian and EU loans and development of renewable energy. As a consultant first and, then, with the company that she founded, she has 18 years of experience in renewable energy, dealing with:
- Authorization processes for obtaining permissions, construction and operation of solar and wind plant;
- International investment funds and industrial players in the renewable energy sector in Italy, with support for M&A activities and financing (500 MW for over than €600 ml of investment) and for Oil&Gas (about €350 ml of investment).
Also, she was in charge as coordinator of project advisory abroad through “Export Credit facilities” for Combined Cycle Power Plants and in other industrial sectors “blending” public and private funds (Sace, SIMEST – CDP Group).
She followed M&A financing and activities for important international players such as ERG, ERG Renewable, PLT Group, RWE/Innogy, Orascom, Podini Holding , Sorgenia, Asja Ambiente Italia.