Sinergie Tecniche e Finanziarie (STF) Srl founded by Cristina Sulpizii in May 2004.
Main areas of interest are national and international investments in the renewable energy (solar, wind and biogas), in the traditional energy (gas) and refinery complex.
STF is involved in two business areas: Financial Advisory Service and Business Development.
- Financial Advisory Service
Support to Renewable Company for permitting, financing and M&A in Italy. - Business Development
Support for Business Development in Italy and abroad (permitting and financing), Structured finance.
- ERG 20 MW wind plant (Basilicata, Italy) – M&A Activity
- ERG MED/ Lukoil Refinery complex (Sicily, Italy) – Advisor for European soft loans
- RWE/Innogy 20 MW wind plant (Basilicata, Italy) – Advisor for subsidzed loans
- PLT Group 60 MW wind plant (Basilicata, Italy) – M&A Activity
- Sorgenia 112 MW wind and solar plant – Advisor for soft loans
- Orascom, 9.600 MW GT Combined Cycle Power Plant (Egypt) – Advisor for Export Credit